anothel의 지식 창고

Row of the odd triangle 본문


Row of the odd triangle

anothel 2022. 2. 14. 11:58

Given a triangle of consecutive odd numbers:

          3     5
       7     9    11
   13    15    17    19
21    23    25    27    29

find the triangle's row knowing its index (the rows are 1-indexed), e.g.:

odd_row(1)  ==  [1]
odd_row(2)  ==  [3, 5]
odd_row(3)  ==  [7, 9, 11]

Note: your code should be optimized to handle big inputs.



#include <vector>

std::vector<unsigned long long> odd_row(unsigned long long n) {
  std::vector<unsigned long long> vResult;
  unsigned long long c = n * (n-1) + 1;
  for(unsigned long long i = 0; i < n; i++) {    
    c += 2;
  return vResult;


남의 코드

#include <vector>

typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef std::vector<ull> vull;

vull odd_row(ull row) {
  vull v(row);
  ull base = row * (row - 1);
  for (ull i = 0; i < row; i++) {
      v[i] = base + i * 2 + 1;
  return v;



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