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정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 27. It Drives Me Crazy. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기 본문


정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 27. It Drives Me Crazy. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

anothel 2021. 10. 11. 22:22

Today’s Topic

Write about something that drives you crazy. What is it? Why does it bother you so much? Is there a way to fix the problem?


Writing / 정필규 2021. 10. 11

A lazy perfectionist. One day, I watched video which said that word. That people seek perfection that they think. Also, they are lazy. They are not sure make end perfectly. So, They can not even start to the work, because of obsession with what they should finish the work perfectly. Like this tendency is pointing me out. One day, every family gathered at grandma's house. There were too many housework and I told aunt I don't know how to do all of these housework. Her answer was so simple. She said "Just do piece by piece.". That's right. If I want to do all of these, I can not avoid a piece of these. Even if there are too many stuffs, I don't have to be unaware how to do, just doing piece by piece is alright. Just do without worrying rashly about how to do, even if I am perfectionist. I don't have to do perfectly from start. Just start doing is enough. And then fix it. Obsession with perfection drive me crazy, finally it made me can not try to anything for starting. However, I found how to fix the problem finally. Just try to do and start.


Revised Writing

A(It is being a) lazy perfectionist. One day, I watched (a) video which said that word.(that mentioned that phrase.) That (kind of) people seek (the) perfection that they think. Also, they are lazy. They are not sure (how to) make (the) end perfectly. So, They can not(So they cannot) even start to(x) the work,(work) because of obsession with what(the thought that) they should finish the work perfectly. Like this(This kind of) tendency is pointing me out. One day, every family (member) gathered at grandma's house. There were(was) too many(much) housework(,) and I told (my) aunt I don't(that I didn't) know how to do all of these(the) housework. Her answer was so simple. She said(,) "Just do (it) piece by piece.".(piece.") That's right. If I want to do all of these, I can not(cannot) avoid a piece of these. Even if there are too many stuffs(things), I don't have to be unaware how to do (them), (and) just doing (them) piece by piece is alright. Just do (things) without worrying rashly(harshly) about how to do (them), even if I am (a) perfectionist. I don't have to do (things) perfectly from (the) start. Just start doing (things) is enough. And then fix it(them all.). Obsession with perfection drive(drives) me crazy, finally it made me can not try to(crazy. Finally, it makes me not try to do) anything for starting.(the start.) However, I found (out) how to fix the problem(,) finally. Just try to do and start.


Re-Writing / 정필규

It is being a lazy perfectionist. One day, I watched a video that mentioned that phrase. That kind of people seek the perfection that they think. Also, they are lazy. They are not sure how to make the end perfectly. So they cannot even start the work because of obsession with the thought that they should finish the work perfectly. This kind of tendency is pointing me out. One day, every family member gathered at grandma's house. There was too much housework, and I told my aunt that I didn't know how to do all of the housework. Her answer was so simple. She said, "Just do it piece by piece." That's right. If I want to do all of these, I cannot avoid a piece of these. Even if there are too many things, I don't have to be unaware how to do them, and just doing them piece by piece is alright. Just do things without worrying harshly about how to do them, even if I am a perfectionist. I don't have to do things perfectly from the start. Just start doing things is enough. And then fix them all. Obsession with perfection drives me crazy. Finally, it makes me not try to do anything for the start. However, I found out how to fix the problem, finally. Just try to do and start.


문법 & 문장 교정

  • They watched Joe and Joe didn't pay money to person B on time.
  • Every people in the world are my friend I don't have to passed them.
    • BETTER Every person in the world is my friend so I don't have to pass them.
  • It drives me crazy.
    • BETTER It makes me upset.(SIMILAR)

