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anothel의 지식 창고

문제 설명 주어진 숫자 중 3개의 수를 더했을 때 소수가 되는 경우의 개수를 구하려고 합니다. 숫자들이 들어있는 배열 nums가 매개변수로 주어질 때, nums에 있는 숫자들 중 서로 다른 3개를 골라 더했을 때 소수가 되는 경우의 개수를 return 하도록 solution 함수를 완성해주세요. 제한사항 nums에 들어있는 숫자의 개수는 3개 이상 50개 이하입니다. nums의 각 원소는 1 이상 1,000 이하의 자연수이며, 중복된 숫자가 들어있지 않습니다. 입출력 예 nums result [1,2,3,4] 1 [1,2,7,6,4] 4 입출력 예 설명 입출력 예 #1 [1,2,4]를 이용해서 7을 만들 수 있습니다. 입출력 예 #2 [1,2,4]를 이용해서 7을 만들 수 있습니다. [1,4,6]을 이용..

Have a look at the following numbers. n | score ---+------- 1 | 50 2 | 150 3 | 300 4 | 500 5 | 750 Can you find a pattern in it? If so, then write a function getScore(n)/get_score(n)/GetScore(n) which returns the score for any positive number n: int getScore(1) = return 50; int getScore(2) = return 150; int getScore(3) = return 300; int getScore(4) = return 500; int getScore(5) = return 750; Sol..

Inspired from real-world Brainf**k, we want to create an interpreter of that language which will support the following instructions: > increment the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the right). second; break; case ']': if( data[data_ptr] != (char)0 ) code_ptr = open_brace.find( code_ptr )->second;; break; default: break; } } if( output.size() > 0 ) return output; else return input; } 후..

You are given a node that is the beginning of a linked list. This list always contains a tail and a loop. Your objective is to determine the length of the loop. For example in the following picture the tail's size is 3 and the loop size is 12: // Use the `getNext()` method to get the following node. nodePtr->getNext() Solution #include int getLoopSize(Node* startNode) { Node *next, start; int re..

Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format (HH:MM:SS) HH = hours, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 99 MM = minutes, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 59 SS = seconds, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 59 The maximum time never exceeds 359999 (99:59:59) You can find some examples in the test fixtures. Solution function addZer..

The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence (Fn): 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ... such as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) with F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1. Given a number, say prod (for product), we search two Fibonacci numbers F(n) and F(n+1) verifying F(n) * F(n+1) = prod. Your function productFib takes an integer (prod) and returns an array: [F(n), F(n+1), ..

Greed is a dice game played with five six-sided dice. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to score a throw according to these rules. You will always be given an array with five six-sided dice values. Three 1's => 1000 points Three 6's => 600 points Three 5's => 500 points Three 4's => 400 points Three 3's => 300 points Three 2's => 200 points One 1 => 100 points One 5 => 50 point A ..

In this kata you have to write a simple Morse code decoder. While the Morse code is now mostly superseded by voice and digital data communication channels, it still has its use in some applications around the world. The Morse code encodes every character as a sequence of "dots" and "dashes". For example, the letter A is coded as ·−, letter Q is coded as −−·−, and digit 1 is coded as ·−−−−. The M..

문제 설명 배열 array의 i번째 숫자부터 j번째 숫자까지 자르고 정렬했을 때, k번째에 있는 수를 구하려 합니다. 예를 들어 array가 [1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4], i = 2, j = 5, k = 3이라면 array의 2번째부터 5번째까지 자르면 [5, 2, 6, 3]입니다. 1에서 나온 배열을 정렬하면 [2, 3, 5, 6]입니다. 2에서 나온 배열의 3번째 숫자는 5입니다. 배열 array, [i, j, k]를 원소로 가진 2차원 배열 commands가 매개변수로 주어질 때, commands의 모든 원소에 대해서 설명한 연산을 적용했을 때 나온 결과를 배열에 담아 return 하도록 solution 함수를 작성해주세요. 제한사항 array의 길이는 1 이상 100 이하입니다. arr..

Introduction The wave (known as the Mexican wave in the English-speaking world outside North America) is an example of metachronal rhythm achieved in a packed stadium when successive groups of spectators briefly stand, yell, and raise their arms. Immediately upon stretching to full height, the spectator returns to the usual seated position. The result is a wave of standing spectators that travel..