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Simple multiplication

This kata is about multiplying a given number by eight if it is an even number and by nine otherwise. Solution int simpleMultiplication(int a) { return a * (a % 2 == 0 ? 8 : 9); } 후기 아침에 출근해서 간단하게 하나 해결해봤다. 곱하기를 하는 함수인데, 짝수이면 8을 홀수이면 9를 곱하라고 한다. 나의 코드를 올리니 이미 많은 다른 사람들도 이렇게 짰더라.. 하나 고민인 것이 있는데 Google C++ Style Guide에서는 삼항 연산자를 사용하지 말라고 했었다. 하지만 편하게 사용할 수 있고, 한눈에 확 들어오는데 왜 사용하지 말하고 하는지 이유가 기억이 안 ..

연습장 2021.10.13

해시 > 완주하지 못한 선수

문제 설명 수많은 마라톤 선수들이 마라톤에 참여하였습니다. 단 한 명의 선수를 제외하고는 모든 선수가 마라톤을 완주하였습니다. 마라톤에 참여한 선수들의 이름이 담긴 배열 participant와 완주한 선수들의 이름이 담긴 배열 completion이 주어질 때, 완주하지 못한 선수의 이름을 return 하도록 solution 함수를 작성해주세요. 제한사항 마라톤 경기에 참여한 선수의 수는 1명 이상 100,000명 이하입니다. completion의 길이는 participant의 길이보다 1 작습니다. 참가자의 이름은 1개 이상 20개 이하의 알파벳 소문자로 이루어져 있습니다. 참가자 중에는 동명이인이 있을 수 있습니다. 입출력 예 participant completion return ["leo", "kik..

연습장 2021.10.12

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 27. It Drives Me Crazy. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic Write about something that drives you crazy. What is it? Why does it bother you so much? Is there a way to fix the problem? Writing / 정필규 2021. 10. 11 A lazy perfectionist. One day, I watched video which said that word. That people seek perfection that they think. Also, they are lazy. They are not sure make end perfectly. So, They can not even start to the work, because of obsessio..

연습장 2021.10.11

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 26. I’m So Embarrassed. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic When was the last time you were really embarrassed? What happened? How did you eliminate the embarrassment? Writing / 정필규 2021. 10. 11 As you know, because of pandemic the world is panic nowadays. The government publish that how many people affected corona virus every day for a wake up call for people. Fortunately, I got the first corona 19 pfizer vaccine about a month ago and I go..

연습장 2021.10.11

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 25. You Have Such a Long Face. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic When was the last time you had a long face? What was wrong? How did you fix the problem? Writing / 정필규 2021. 10. 10 I will marry my girl friend soon. In fact, We bought first home as newly-wed couple before discuss about marriage. She and I gather the money together for buying the house. She got mortgage loan from her company and bank. Also, I got it from my father and bank. Actual..

연습장 2021.10.11

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 24. I’m Satisfied with the Result. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic What are you most satisfied with in your life? What are you most dissatisfied with? Give details to support your answers. Writing / 정필규 2021. 10. 08 I like that feeling sense of accomplishment after settle a goal and make effort for fulfilling goal. When I feel sense of accomplishment, I am satisfied. I have several experience about satisfying. Let me talk about this. First, about ..

연습장 2021.10.11

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 23. What a Feeling! STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic Have you ever hiked a mountain? If so, what is the tallest or most difficult mountain you have ever climbed? If not, explain the reasons why you have never climbed a mountain. Writing / 정필규 2021. 07. 21 (I have a question. Halla is name of the mountain and sna is meaning that a Mountain. Which word is better Halla Mountain and Hallasan Mountain at this time) When I was in childhood..

연습장 2021.07.23

정규회화과정 Level 7-8 : Unit 22. She Is an Active Person. STEP 4. 1:1 글쓰기

Today’s Topic Write about three things you could do to become a more active person. Give details to explain your answer well. Writing / 정필규 2021. 07. 21 The first one of things I could do to be more active is working out. While I have been working out at gym early in the morning everyday, I have been able to be a very active person. Before going to the company, I have exercised. As a result, som..

연습장 2021.07.23